Sunday, August 24, 2008

Elk Mountain Highlands

Well, I love creating beautiful environments. That will ultimately be my chosen legacy. Some people like golf, or tennis, or puzzles....I love creating environmentally sound, off the charts beautiful environments. Growing up as a third generation landscape only profession until age 38, it is evidently in my genes and firmly implanted in my vision of how to create unique and beautiful residential communities. At last count, I have been intimately involved in the design, marketing and sales of over a dozen Asheville communities---utilizing low impact, low density designs that preserve nature by disturbing it as little as possible.

Some misguided but well meaning folks don't understand that in mountain development it is destructive to have "One size fits all" development regulations. No two properties are identical in these mountains. One size fits all regulations are inherently destructive to the environment, because they refuse to recognize the uniqueness of individual terrains, and because they are too often crafted and legislated by people who don't understand anything about development and the dramatic impact terrain has on the ultimate outcome of land disturbing activity. Politicians make decisions far too often to please a vocal minority, and do not listen to the experts who understand how to do it right.

This must change, and one way to change it is to have a separate "Conservation Development Ordinance" that uses incentives and rewards to create positive, low impact, attractive communities. Mountain Council for Accountable Development-- a joint effort of The Asheville Homebuilders Association and The Asheville Board of REALTORS, is leading the way in this effort (see

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