Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fall is a glorious time in the mountains of North Carolina. Ever wonder why so many people are seemingly unhappy with their lives? When our days have no sense of wonder, no sense of excitement and awe toward the natural beauty of the tremendous wilderness areas we are so blessed's easy to be unhappy. Get out, take a hike, smell the flowers, the moss, touch the leaves and jump in a crystal clear pool....let the weariness of the world go, and replace it with your child wonder. You'll find the answers you seek-- not in worry or stress or obsesssion, but in allowing yourself to feel, to appreciate the absolute beauty of this earth and all it's gifts. In a Simon and Garfunkel song from long ago...."I'd rather be a forest than a street, yes I would, if I could, I surely would". Guess can.

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